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Reporting an Issue

We regard a complaint, incident, or failure as an expression of concern or dissatisfaction about our organization, our staff, our partners, our contracted service providers, or anyone else acting on our behalf. A compliant, incident, or failure can be received verbally, by phone, by email, in writing, or via a support ticket.

Should you wish to report a complaint, incident, or failure anonymously, you may do so via the following:

Anonymous Reporting Website:

Anonymous Reporting Hotline: 844-942-3296

The complaint, incident, or failure will be formally acknowledged and will be logged. If the complainant feels that the problem has not been satisfactorily resolved, s/he can request that the complaint be reviewed at the Executive Management level. At this stage, the complaint should be submitted to The request for Executive Management level review will be acknowledged within 48 hours of receiving it.