Security Awareness Training & Phishing Protection
Security Awareness Training and Phishing Training. The SilverSky Consulting team integrates threat intelligence and real-time attack profiles to provide training and testing based on the most current social engineering tactics being leveraged by attackers.
SilverSky manages the entire security awareness program including
Technology Scales,
People Don’t
Our authority to operate in some of the most sensitive government networks puts compliance at the core of our company.
With over twenty years of experience in cybersecurity, we’ve learned the best way to stay ahead of the game, is to change it.
Schedule a demo to see how we can change your business for the better.
Explore SilverSky’s MxDR Platform
what people say about us
The lady who help me was very professional and helpful.
Thank you for the amazing service.
Jet is fantastic! Very personable and professional. Highly knowledgeable and intelligent.
Great talking to a really knowledgeable person
You went the extra mile to add additional information to my question.
Thank you for that information.
Always a pleasure speaking with customer service at net address. Knowledgeable and helpful. Thanks!